Comedian John Kiarie beats former governor hopeful Dennis Waweru

Comedian John Kiarie has won the Dagoretti South Jubilee ticket beating incumbent Dennis Waweru.
Kiarie garnered 9,793 while Waweru got 9, 052 in the results that were announced on Thursday.
Addressing the media, Kiarie expressed his satisfaction at the results saying "I am grateful to the people of Dagoretti".
"It is a big shot in the arm because everyone took these elections almost like general elections. The stakes were really high," he said.

Kiarie said they had a very organised and intense campaign that led to his win.
"It was a very good campaign, we agree that there were some challenges but we are happy with this," he said.
He extended an olive branch to Waweru saying "we can work together".
"We are extending an olive branch to the people we were against so that we develop team Uhuruto as we head to the general elections," he said.
Waweru who was aspiring for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat withdrew his candidature and announced that he was going to defend his seat.


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